Name: F the system v.00000001
Medium: Digital 2D
Software(s): Photoshop
Once upon a time, there were only Giants exist, and they were immortal. They didn't have 'the birth system' in their lives. They had lived for millions of years until elves had arrived. But elves were not like them. Elves had the system of birth to prevented extinction, yet their babies became weaker and with more diseases.
Giants helped them cure their imperfection by letting them enter their bodies, but elves were so greedy and covetous. They didn't want the cure. They wanted immortality without knowing that this remarkable feature is not for them. So they created a complex system inside the Giant's bodies that made them sick to study them so that they finally found immortality.
Without any result, they had murdered almost all the Giants. The immortality disappeared from the giants slowly.
But not all of the giants had permitted elves to the entrance. This led to the first big ancient war against the system.